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Take the test now
Click on the Yes or No buttons and then hit SUBMIT.
Do you cough regularly?
Do you cough up mucus (phlegm) regularly?
Do even the simplest chores (getting dressed, walking up steps, etc.) leave you breathless?
Do you wheeze at night or when you exert yourself (when you exercise, go up stairs, etc.)?
Do you get frequent colds that
last longer than other people’s?
Based on your answers to the test above, we recommend that you visit a clinic near you. Click the Find Clinics button for a list of respiratory clinics in your area. You can also see your family physician or call Tele-Care by dialing 811.
If you notice any of these signs in the future, visit this site to find a clinic that can help. We encourage you to share this test with family and friends. Early detection can drastically reduce the effects of COPD.
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